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Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Dream Call...

You’ve seen it coming all along
Its just like Déjà vu
Now I know it’s you!

Sitting splendidly with fingers entwined
Offering a drink smelling of thyme
Whispering “Have this, ‘tis sweet Lime”

The feeling is strong, but something wrong
The doubt curtails leaving one perplexed
Wondering if you’ve been hexed

Can this source of happiness exist?
The questions are asked without feeling
Hence the answers come without any meaning

The smile is gentle
You disappear away into the fade
Leaving the other so vulnerable and afraid

Still that voice is so refreshing
The gentle pauses make it interesting
And the faint laughter sounds caressing

You wake up from the slumber
Saddened to discover it was only a dream
Making you wonder if you could redeem
Only a glimpse of what was just seen..

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